Made in earnest, she carved out of herself parts previously grown in. The vines were trimmed, trellised and divined to be what was deemed and defined as holy. The pulp was scraped from her insides replaced with a longing in the lungs that never filled. Empty rooms bound and possessed by demons and static. I am not alive; I am here. Trapdoors line the floors in dopamine wells promising better, but only delivering 'well-enough.' I am at once timber; I become ash, an ember. I can no longer hold her here. I am forever in the spaces in-between, liminally speaking through your memories blending your thoughts into a fury. I hope you look for me in the face of the mountains you cannot climb. I hope you search for my hands in the clouds only to grasp at nothing. I hope you feel me in the warmest, suffocating summer rain and drown in all of what you left behind. You carved the hallways that settled deep within the splintered bones scattered to the winds that blow through what is left of me. Burn my effigy and, set her free.
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