Now and Again
post-election reflections as we find the road through migraine-protective mauve glasses and a halo-ed, at night astigmatism while it's raining...
'I76' I'm only writing this because it may matter later... "Down the Line" or maybe it doesn't matter at all. Again. — My Dad asked me if I had voted. I am an active journalist, but that doesn't seem to matter as a fact. They're "just asking," but, the questions are not pointed and the answers are boring. Fossils buried where no one wants to look. But, they can see them just fine. 'B53.' I'll see what I wake up to in the morning and decide who I'll be, then. But I'm sure someone will tell me, all about me, tomorrow, again, when it matters again. 'G4.' — If it matters, again. 'N27' I never know who is listening, so I'll keep on, here for as long as I can now, and again. 'O13'