It’s Summer! As the heat becomes infernal while the sun casts its feral power at us, I need something to do that keeps me a bit more sane. So! Summer assignment from kast/press: revise those old poems, y’all. Now, let’s see what I want to burn versus grow in this odd garden we have here. Kill me.
I would rather die than look at these again. And yet, here we go…
Original 1/22/23
I feel it is my duty not to forgive on behalf of you, my friend. you do not need the burden of hatred. you do not need to feel suspicious, but I, I will hold them accountable. I will question their motive. I will be your friend. Burden being, we may never forget, but it is my purpose to not forgive. You, must let that go. Let it all go.
Revised 6/22/24
I do not feel it is my duty to forgive, on behalf of you, my friend. you do not need the burden of hate. you do not need the paranoia of suspicion. but I, my friend, I will hold it for you. you may never forget, and I will never forgive. together we remember, my friend. as you once were and will never be again in the field where we met. I will hold you all the same.
Notes from author:
This poem is aimed at the question: what is my responsibility as a friend? I don’t want to forgive that person the transgression they did upon my friend, I don’t particularly mind if my friend forgives them. But, I feel the necessity to be on guard, to remember the harm. I didn’t have siblings, so I often approach deep friendships with a more familial intensity. I consider myself lucky to have as many brothers and sisters, carefully gathered like so many wildflowers. Taking on the role as the ‘eldest’—WITH ONE AND ONLY ONE EXCEPTION—even if I’m not the eldest present. I don’t make the rules. It is what it is.
Sidenote: I’m not always the best at showing it. It usually starts as a headbutt to the shoulder like a goat. Again, I don’t make the rules.
Notes from editor:
Noted improvement in tone. No need to sound like an edge-lord, paladin knight to make your point about loving your friends. They likely already know that you have hands. Strength lies in love; strength lies in love.
This was painful.